How a clean office can boost productivity [Infographic]

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Do you know that

a messy, unsanitary office leads to workers being distracted easily by piles of rubbish and stacks of paper? Indeed, such workspaces could result in employees frequently getting ill and work not being done due to abnormally high absenteeism. By sticking to a cleaning routine and maintaining a neatly organised work space, employees are much more likely to get their best work done and meet targets.

Workplace productivity can be hugely affected by employees taking a high volume of sick leave, some of which is spurious but in most cases it is genuine. Frequently, the offending illness occurs because of unsanitary conditions within the office.

If you work in an office, it’s almost certain that you’ll use a computer as part of your job. At the risk of severe scaremongering, your keyboard might be carrying up to 7,500 bacteria as you’re reading this. Also, that desk on which your computer is perched – viruses such as the flu could linger there for 24 hours or more.

While there is no scientific correlation between a clean office and optimum productivity, the two often go hand in hand for several reasons. Workers in a neat, tidy office will enjoy coming in every day and won’t be distracted by clutter or pick up contagious illnesses. Contrast that with a messy environment where diseases can very easily be acquired, further denting the morale of a workforce that’s already likely to be less than enthusiastic about spending multiple hours a day in an unsanitary office.

Below is an infographic which outlines how clean offices can help with improving workplace productivity, along with recommendations as to how this can be achieved.


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Brought to you by our friend at the Cleaning Services Group

Edited by Temitope Adelekan

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